The principals at KernDynamics possess a Unique Perspective, having gained personal successes in several fields.
As a result we are able to offer a broad range of recruiting and consulting services to both Companies and their most valuable assets, their team members.
Linda Youngblood Kern earned her BA degree in Economics / International relations and has held numerous Talent Acquisition, Hospitality, Benefits Administration, Financial, Public Relations, Fund Raising, Sales and Marketing roles.
Ronald Kern earned his BS degree in Chemistry and then embarked upon a successful 30 year career encompassing various roles in the fields of Industrial Sales, Water & Process Treatment Chemistry, Technical Services, Operations Management, Teaching Chemistry and Sales Management.
We have lived in numerous regions of the United States and at one point followed our dream to live and work in the Caribbean. KernDynamics was founded in 1995, while we were living there.
Linda initially built the company to offer Career and Financial Consulting Services. After closing one of the largest sales of his career and having “Sold all he could Sell”, Ron joined the business as a Sales and Technical Consultant.
Most recently, we spent 2015/2016 in Hawaii, teaching Chemistry, English and Art for Kamehameha Schools.This experience was simply the most rewarding thing we have ever done.
KernDynamics LLC has transformed itself many times. Throughout the company’s evolution, we have consistently offered the highest level of customer service. Linda Y. Kern: Ron Kern: